Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wax Strong in the Spirit

Since my last post I have been clean both body and mind.  I have not had any desire to look at pornography.   I have been studying in the scriptures about the Spirit.  I prayed this morning to learn more about how to receive the Spirit stronger in my life.  I read in the scriptures about the story of Alma the elder and when he was teaching the people during the reign of King Noah.  He taught them something that I had not noticed before.  In Mosiah 18:26 Alma teaches, "[a]nd the priests were not to depend upon the people for their support; but for their labor they were to receive the grace of God, that they might wax strong in the Spirit, having the knowledge of God, that they might teach with power and authority from God." (emphasis added)  I had always looked at the section of that verse that talked about the priests not receiving any support from the people.  It was next part that surprised me, "for their labor they were to receive the grace of God, that they might wax strong in the Spirit."  You must labor in the kingdom for the opportunity to receive the Spirit stronger in your life.  I testify that is true.  

Examples of the strength of Spirit
Let's look at some examples of this for a minute.  

Today, we had a returned missionary speak in sacrament meeting.  For the missionary who is obedient to the mission rules and follows the counsel of God and their Mission President, the Spirit is stronger in them then most any other person on earth.  They have their whole "might, mind, and strength" focused on the work of the Lord, on building the kingdom of God on earth.  I could see this in the face and hear it in the words of the returned missionary as he spoke.  He gave examples of experiences that required great faith and required the Spirit to be very strong with him to be guided to do some of the things and perform some of the miracles which were done during his missionary service.

The Leaders of the Church
The one group of people that compare in the strength of the Spirit to the missionaries are our leaders.  Just look at the Prophet and the Apostles.  Their focus in on building the kingdom of God.  As they spend tireless hours working towards this end, the Spirit of God grows stronger and stronger in them each and everyday.  As I did with the returned missionary I heard today, you can see and hear how strong the Spirit is in our leaders when you watch General Conference.  We will all have an opportunity to be a part of this next weekend.

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of this.  He devoted his whole life to building His Father's kingdom as it is His kingdom as well.  He labored unceasingly to do His Father's will.  The Holy Ghost was so strong with the Savior that He always knew what the will of His Father was and had the strength to do it, no matter what the cost.

If we are truly to be able to have the strength to overcome the addiction to pornography and do our Father's will, we must have the Spirit with us.  In order to have the Spirit with us, we must labor in the vineyard.  By laboring in the vineyard, the Spirit will grow stronger and stronger in us which we will enable us to overcome temptation.  

We cannot do it alone.  Only with the help of God through the influence of the Holy Spirit can we reach our potential and overcome our addiction.

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