Sunday, October 16, 2011

General Conference

What a spiritually uplifting weekend.  I have discovered that I always get re-motivated in my battle against pornography after watching General Conference.  It just gives you that push and desire that you need.  I end up  doing better in my callings, spend more time reading scriptures and saying my prayers on a consistent basis, and all in all just a better person.  The problem is I have yet found a way to continue that strength of General Conference over the next six months.  In fact, by the time Conference rolls around again, I have lost my way again and fallen in to the trap of pornography.  I need to figure out what it takes to do that and I think this Conference did just that.

Serving Others
I learned that serving others can have a great impact on your ability to overcome temptation.  By serving others, you are also serving God. (Mosiah 3:16) By serving God you are allowing His spirit to be a part of your lives.  Allowing the Spirit in to our minds and our hearts strengthens us to withstand temptation.

Praying makes a huge difference in our ability to withstand temptation.  As we pray every morning and every night and have a prayer always in our hearts, our Father in Heaven will be with us always, especially when we need him the most. (Alma 34:27, 39-41)

Reading the scriptures has great power, especially reading the Book of Mormon.  If you have the opportunity, read the October issue of the Ensign magazine.  It is all about the Book of Mormon with talks in it from President Ezra Taft Benson and Elder David A. Bednar, just to name a few.  It really helped me realize more of the importance in reading the Book of Mormon.  Not just reading it though, it is more about studying it, feasting upon it, where we really understand the power of the scriptures.  By studying it out and applying what we learn into our lives, we gain knowledge from on high which also directs us where we should go.

The amazing thing about General Conference is that no one ever gets the same thing out of conference as some one else.  You may not have even noticed anything about the three things I mentioned above but because of what I learned, I'm hoping that I will be able to stay on the straight and narrow and not have to hang on to the side of the cliff or pull myself out the lake I fell in.

I know this post a few weeks late but hopefully it will help in some way.

Have an awesome day!

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